Platform 2024: A Delicate Ritual

Paperback: 136 pages
Size: 7 x 10 in
Published: 2024
Edited by Kyle Abraham, Seta Morton, and Judy Hussie-Taylor
Designed by Judith Walker
Published by Danspace Project
Price: $25 / $20 Danspace Project Member Pricing (includes shipping)
A Delicate Ritual, guest curated by Kyle Abraham, is the 16th Platform to date at Danspace Project. The Platform presents six weeks of performances and events, featuring shared evenings between Nicholas Ryan Gant & Shamel Pitts (May 2-4), David Roussève & taisha paggett (May 23-25), and Vinson Fraley & Bebe Miller (June 6-8). All of the performances respond to Abraham’s curatorial inquiries:
How does nature’s relationship with humanity communicate/jostle/live in your body? How present is a history of love in your relationship to ritual or prayer? How does change affect your relationship to ritual and prayer?
Platform 2024 honors the life and work of late choreographer and dance educator, Kevin Wynn. Other live events of the Platform include a memorial to Wynn, classes in Wynn’s technique taught by Jason Rodriguez, and an afternoon of artistic exchanges.
This catalogue features images by photographer, Gioncarlo Valentine and a collection of transcribed and edited conversations between the Platform artists, along with unlikely “blind-date” conversations between choreographer, Beth Gill and photographer, Carrie Schneider; director, Charlotte Brathwaite and ecologist, Marisa Prefer; and arborist, Ethan Woods and acupuncturist, Steve Pang. With this publication, on the occasion of Platform 2024: A Delicate Ritual, Abraham brings together artists, environmentalists, and healers from different walks of life to reflect on their own rituals and to discuss overarching concepts of care, time, water, home, location, prayer and practice.