Donna Uchizono: Dedications / State of Heads (1999) – Danspace Project

Donna Uchizono: Dedications / State of Heads (1999)

Thursday, March 13 | 7:30PM
Friday, March 14 | 7:30PM
Saturday, March 15 | 7:30PM

Donna Uchizono

Dedications: Jodi Melnick and David Thomson
State of Heads: Tim Bendernagel, Rebecca Cyr, Levi Gonzalez, Chelsea Hecht, Paulina Meneses, and Donna Uchizono

Sound Design
James Lo

Lighting Design
Kristen Paige

Installation Design
Donna Uchizono and Michael Grimaldi

Project Manager
Miranda Brown



I’m awed and humbled by the artistry, commitment, time, contributions, and generosity of the performers, who remained focused in this process. A deep-felt thank you to Levi and Becky for their generosity in the room and intuitive understanding of the choreographic ground for this work; Jodi for long-time friendship and her illuminating stream of dancing light, David for his true generosity, artistry, wit, and grounded earth, and Tim, Chelsea, and Paulina, who took on the difficult task of replacing the “elders” with optimism, care, and energetic dancing.

To my collaborators – Thank you! To James Lo, who, in this first collaboration in 1999 blew my mind!!  His intuition and genius sound score grounds the work and adds inventive heights. I learned so much about structure from him as he framed the work spectacularly in a rich sound environment. To Michael, who provided two of the six photos and enlarged the remaining photos; M stands for Miracle Miranda for her wise counsel and getting so many things done in a couple of hours. And Abi Stinnet for her fantastic support as the production assistant and “catch all”. To Carla Peterson, to whom I love, adore, and am grateful she’s on this planet, and who is a new board member along with Levi and Becky, and to all of the Stupendous Danspace staff.  And I couldn’t get by without Jodi, Levi and Becky’s company, Gina’s counsel, Jen, Zulal, and Michael O’s friendship. And most of all, how deeply grateful I am to my dear, dear daughter Tara who brings new wonders into my life every day and teaches me that a beautiful day is like “summer with humor in it.”

This dance is dedicated to all the artists who have worked with me over these many decades. They are my backbone.



This programming is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, Public Funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, the Harkness Foundation, Dance/NYC, and the AIR Program at Movement Research.



Danspace Project pays respect to Lenape peoples. We acknowledge that this work is situated on the Lenape island of Manhattan (Mannahatta) in Lenapehoking, the Lenape homeland. We pay respect to Lenape land, water, and ancestors past, present and future.








Danspace Project presents new work in dance, supports a diverse range of choreographers in developing their work, encourages experimentation, and connects artists to audiences.

For 50 years, Danspace Project has supported a vital community of contemporary dance artists in an environment unlike any other in the United States. Located in the historic St. Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery, Danspace shares its facility with the Church, The Poetry Project, and New York Theatre Ballet. Danspace Project’s Commissioning Initiative has commissioned nearly 600 new works since its inception in 1994.

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