Platform 2016: Modern Mondays – An Evening with Ishmael Houston-Jones and Dennis Cooper (MoMA)
Tickets on sale now:
On the occasion of Platform 2016: Lost & Found, choreographer Ishmael Houston-Jones discusses his work and its relationship to collaboration, friendship, and the cultural history of AIDS. The program will include a screening of selected works from the last 30 years including THEM (1986), Hole (1989), Knife/Tape/Rope (1989–90), and The Undead (1999)—and a conversation between the artist, his longtime collaborator Dennis Cooper, and Thomas J. Lax, Associate Curator, Media and Performance Art.
Organized by The Museum of Modern Art, in conjunction with Danspace Project’s Platform 2016: Lost & Found.
Part of PLATFORM 2016: Lost and Found
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